Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Jobs!

A friend of Andrew's sent him a link to a job that he'd seen that made him think of Andrew. The job was in Programming, which is exactly what Andrew's in school for right now. He applied by email, sending his resume and cover letter. They were, apparently, impressed and asked for more clarity on some of the courses he's taken so far. He landed an interview, and we were so excited!

We got there about 20 minutes early, and sat out in the car for a little while before he was supposed to go in. We said a prayer really quick that Andrew would be guided to know what to say, and that he would be able to do well, essentially. After the interview, we went to Wendy's to grab frosties to celebrate the interview. :) We found out that evening that 30 minutes after the interview was over, they had emailed him to ask him to come in for a second interview. Andrew was really nervous, because this one would involve him programming something for them as part of the interview.

We got there about 15 minutes early, and again we said a prayer before he went in. Andrew asked that Heavenly Father would ensure that whatever happened, whether he got the job or not, that it would be done in our family's best interest. Then he went in for it. When we went to the temple the next day, Andrew prayed about the job. He felt assured that Heavenly Father would make what was best for us happen, and that everything would work out. The following Wednesday, I told Andrew that he should send in a follow-up letter thanking them for the interview. Later that day, Andrew and I both got calls! To my surprise (as I had completely forgotten I'd talked to people at the Part-Time Job Fair at UVU), I was called and asked if I was still looking for a part-time job and was offered a position tutoring at an Elementary School. Andrew was called and they asked him to do a background check for them. Two days later, they called and officially offered Andrew the position. I'm ecstatic for him! This job is absolutely PERFECT for him! It gives him experience in the field he's studying, which will be perfect for his resume after graduation when he looks for whatever job position he wants. Not only that, but it even pays more than the job he currently has.

So glad that Heavenly Father is an active participant of our lives, and that He is aware of our needs, and helps us out when we need it :)