Meet Mr. Christiansen

Mr. Andrew Christiansen

Andrew is a UVU graduate that majored in Computer Science. He works as a Software Developer at Family Search.

He served his mission in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He says that the person who said their mission was the best two years of their life had obviously never been married, but it was the best two years of his life up to that point.

He is a nerd in so many ways - he enjoys reading Science Fiction (his favorite authors are David Weber, Brandon Sanderson, and Terry Pratchett), Pokemon Battling me with his old Pokemon cards, playing RPGs, loves Star Wars, and wants to own a library someday.

Andrew on the UVU Ballroom Team
Nerdy-ness aside, he's also the best Prince Charming I could have ever asked for. He knows Ballroom and we enjoy going dancing together. He does the dishes and helps around the house in whatever way he can whenever I need him to help. He continues to hold open doors for me and ask me on dates once a week. He makes me laugh, he holds me when I cry... he is the best friend I could ever ask for. He also does his best to ensure that all of my dreams become a reality.

Andrew loves hiking, camping, and being outdoors in nature. His favorite flower is the dandelion, and he loves jelly beans and white chocolate. He also loves making homemade ice cream - his favorite flavor is a minty cookies and cream ice cream made with Oreos and Grasshopper Cookies. Andrew loves the movies Beauty and The Beast, How To Train Your Dragon, Pride & Prejudice (the 6 hour version), Kung-Fu Panda 1&2, Ever After, and Courageous.

Interesting fact about Andrew:
His eyes change color. They have been green, brown, and (according to him) one time they were even blue. I have also seen it where the brown near the center is a rusty shade that's almost reddish, which fades into an orangey color, then yellow-ish, as it shifts to green in the middle before turning blue around the very outer edges, making his eyes look like they are rainbows.

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