Our Story

Us Dancing At Our Wedding Later
Andrew and I met at a YSA Stake Dance that we were both crashing. His younger brother Tom invited him and one of my best friends invited me. Because my friend was going to come late and I came on time, I found a group of friends, who happened to include Tom, and consequentially Andrew.

After a while, I was tired of listening to ballroom dance after ballroom dance come on and asked Tom, the only person there that I knew knew how to dance ballroom, to dance with me. Andrew claims that he had noticed me prior to seeing me dance ballroom with his younger brother Tom, but after seeing me dance ballroom it sealed the deal - he HAD to ask me to dance! He walked up to me and asked me if I would like to dance the foxtrot. I didn't know it, but I told him I was willing to learn. As we were dancing, I couldn't help but notice what an amazing smile he had, how handsome he was... It seemed like the entire room besides him vanished. I was smitten right from the start. I began flirting and following him around while trying to not make it obvious I was following him around, HOPING he would ask for my number. He did! :)

He called me up a few days later and asked me on a date to hike up Battle Creek Falls. His roommate would be doubling with us. When he came to pick me up, I quickly realized that I had been on a date with his roommate before. Awkward. On our date, Andrew decided it would be fun to climb along a tiny little ridge that was basically on the side of a cliff and then make it to a little overview area. For some reason, despite my fear of heights, I decided it would be a good idea to go with him. I'm glad I did. The view was gorgeous!!

After four dates, I was ready to be his girlfriend. I honestly thought he was going to be my first kiss, which I thought about and decided I was okay with, and all indications I was getting from him said that he was very much interested in me as well. Then I asked him a very important question: what had happened to all of his previous girlfriends? Turns out, he was waiting for a Sister Missionary. I was confused, upset, and hurt that he had been playing me by asking me on so many dates in a row, every week without fail, while waiting for a missionary. That was enough for me to decide that I had to stop dating him before he broke my heart.

But the very next day, Andrew asked me if I would go on a walk with him. He was really confused about something and needed someone to talk to. I agreed. On the walk he told me that even though he didn't know where things were going to go, he still wanted to go on dates with me, because he was having a lot of fun and I was the first girl in months that he had wanted to go on more than one date with. That was when the prompting came, loud and clear, that I needed to keep dating him. Even though it would be confusing, and I wasn't sure what was going to come of it, I needed to keep dating him. So I did.

After we had been dating for about two months, Andrew asked me to be his girlfriend and wrote his missionary to break up with her. And I got my first kiss. By that time, we had moved from dating to courtship, and were both considering each other as potential spouses.

We were seeing each other more often than once a week now, and were going on dates as often as we could. It wasn't long before I realized I had fallen in love, but I didn't want to ruin anything so I waited for him to say it first. When he finally did tell me that he loved me, I didn't even have to pause before I told him that I loved him, too. I wanted to spend eternity with him.

When my YSA Ward went on a campout, leaving me with no cellphone reception. I talked about Andrew to the girl I was sharing a tent with until she fell asleep and felt awkward when our waiter at a restaurant on the way home was flirting with me. Meanwhile, back home, Andrew fell into a bout of depression. He had gotten a small taste of what it would be like if I wasn't in his life, and he didn't like it. When I got home, he invited me over for fireworks. When he brought me out to the car to take me home, he paused and gathered up all his courage and brought up the topic of marriage.

A few weeks later, after we had both prayed about it and gotten our answers that this was right, talked to our bishops, and to each other again, we went ring shopping. A few weeks after that,Andrew proposed to me at the top of the Battle Creek Falls, where we had gone on our first date. :)

He had his brother Tom go ahead of us and leave a bouquet of roses and lilies (lilies are my favorite flower) for me and a picnic lunch for the two of us, and then when we got up there Andrew got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!! Of course, I said yes :)

After a four month engagement, we were sealed in the Draper, Utah LDS Temple on December 16, 2011.
It was the happiest day of my life :)

I can honestly say that getting married to Andrew, my best friend, in the temple, was the best decision I have ever made. We laugh together, cry together, dream together, play together, hope together, and are there for each other always. I love him more and more every day, and I am excited to spend every day of the rest of this life and the next with my sweetheart.

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