Need Date Ideas?

Andrew and I try to go on a date a week; and I don't think we've missed a week yet. Dates don't have to be expensive. Sometimes we have to get pretty creative, though, but those are often the best dates to remember later! Here are some of the dates we've done that you can use as ideas for your own dates :)

Zucchini Boat Racing
After all, zucchini has to be good for SOMETHING, right? ;) Okay, I'm teasing. I love steamed zucchini. But when they get too big, they're not all that great for eating (unless you have the time and patience to make zucchini bread) but they are PERFECT for zucchini boat making. In fact, the bigger the better! Small ones aren't all that great for racing.

Basically, you cut a hole in the top, hollow it out, stick toothpicks around it so it can stabilize and float along the river, and race them :) It's pretty easy and SUPER fun! And definitely memorable.

 After all, it's not every day someone asks you to go build a boat out of zucchini and race it against theirs with them.
Also - during the summer you can pretty much get zucchini for free. So this is a great inexpensive date!

Pillow/Cushion/Blanket Fort and a Movie

That's right :) Relive your childhood! It's so much fun! Pick your favorite movie (current or childhood) and you can watch hers, his, or both of yours! (We did both... Pride and Prejudice followed by Tangled). This was our second time doing it. The first time, we actually had a television to watch it on. This time we used a laptop. And the fort was a bit small... But hey! It was great for cuddling ;)

Pillow-Sword Fights
Pillow fights have always been fun, but by drawing a sword (or in Andrew's case, a lightsaber) on the pillow you're fighting with, pillow fights take on a new level of awesome. I'd say sound effects are optional, but with pillows like THESE to fight with, how can you NOT make sound effects?? We "sheathe" our swords under our bed, for emergency pillow fights when we don't want to mess up our nicer pillows.

Andrew's marshmallow on toothpicks to  keep it dry 
Yes, this is a made up word. After all, Andrew and I made this up. If you liked the zucchini boat racing idea, you'll love this one as well. On this one, you make a boat out of masking tape, straws, toothpicks, and marshmallows. NO OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS ARE ALLOWED. You then make a marshmallow character to ride your boat. You then race them. The different goals are to see who's boat goes the fastest, who's marshmallow character stayed dry longer, and who's boat doesn't sink.

So. Much. Fun. :) The best part is that both the making AND the racing parts of this date are super fun. And as far as designs are concerned, the sky's the limit :)

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