Meet Mrs. Christiansen

Mrs. Elizabeth Christiansen

I am a college graduate from Utah Valley University. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Family Studies. I received Magna Cum Laude for my high grades. I am going to be using this degree to be an awesome mom and foster care mom when the time comes.

I enjoy reading fairytales mostly, but enjoy reading a large variety of genres and am growing a greater appreciation for science fiction from my husband's good taste in literature.

I have discovered, much to my surprise and chagrin, that I really enjoy playing RPGs with my husband Andrew. I also enjoy Pokemon Battling with our Pokemon cards and take great enjoyment from having Nerf Gun fights with him.

I love being outside in the outdoors, hiking, camping, being on the beach, running in the waves, swimming, and exploring. I love the rain, the ocean, and water in general.

I am very artistic and crafty in many ways. I love drawing, painting, taking photographs, and creating new things. I can sew, crochet, scrapbook, and make jewelry. During high school I even designed my school's new band logo.

I ran the 800M in Track in high school and I also was in Cross Country. My best time in the 800 M was 2:30.00 and I was off and on Varsity during Cross Country. I'm not nearly in that good of shape now, but I really want to get back into shape so I can start doing 5Ks again, and do the Dirty Dash.

My favorite flower is a lily, and I love growing plants. I have a small flower garden in our small backyard of our townhouse.

I also am a great cook and love baking and creating new foods. I'm getting to the point that some of my food is exceeding a few restaurants that Andrew and I go to, and Andrew likes to joke about creating a restaurant with me someday.

Some of my favorite movies are Big Hero 6, How To Train Your Dragon, The Emperor's New Groove, Mulan, Beauty & The Beast, Kung-Fu Panda 1 & 2, Lilo & Stitch,  Ever After, and Courageous

Random Facts About Me:

  • My husband was my first kiss
  • I had my snowmobiling license when I was 14
  • I've never broken a bone
  • I was my mom's most misbehaved, crazy child, and she worried what I was going to be like as a teenager. But I mellowed out and was a great teenager for her! :)
  • I don't really like getting wet again just after taking a shower (for example, washing my hands or draining the sink the dishes have been soaking in).

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