Monday, June 10, 2013

School's Out for Summer!! :D

After three demanding semesters, I am thrilled to be taking a summer off! School is going well, and I'm actually really excited to announce (if I haven't already) that Andrew and I will both be graduating from UVU by the end of 2014! Andrew with his Bachelors and me with my Associates. I changed my major to Behavioral Science, and now have only 2 semesters left until I graduate with my Associates of Science. I'm focusing on Family Studies. Andrew is majoring in Computer Science, emphasizing in Computer Programming. He is really good at it, too! He's already gotten a job doing everything he's in school to learn right now, and I couldn't be more proud of him! :) Andrew has 2 or 3 semesters left depending on how ambitious he's feeling with his classes (he might do a semester entirely dedicated to a VERY difficult class at UVU where he has to write his own operating system just so that he can give it the time it needs so he can pass it).

I'm actually quite excited with how school has been going for me! Just to sum up how I did on my last 3 semesters...
Yes, I'm crazy... I took Math 1050 during SUMMER Semester.
Also - FIRST 4.0 I had EVER received in my entire academic career! WOOT! :D

Everyone preached doom & gloom about Ethics & Values classes when they heard I was taking it -
I rather enjoyed it, actually.
Silly A-; that's what I get for getting sick and skipping class and getting a B on the final.
Oh well, all the classes that really mattered I got A's in. :)
And in case you missed it - I GOT AN A IN ENGLISH 2010!!! :D
Also, since Andrew won't do it for himself, I'm going to do bragging time for him:
He did AWESOME in his Programming classes last semester!! :D

After working our bums off the past few semesters, we're definitely ready to have some fun together this summer. Especially since we couldn't do anything the summer of our first year of marriage because I was in school during Summer Semester back then!

So to make up for it, we've made some really fun plans... <3

In June we're going to go camping in Goblin Valley with our friends Brian & Genni.
Also, my mom is getting married June 29th!! :D I'm so happy for her <3
Her wedding is followed quickly by my older brother James' on July 2nd!! <3
In July we're going to Lava Hot Springs for the 4th of July with Brian & Genni to go tubing and watch fireworks.
We're then later heading to Oregon for my cousin Savannah's wedding! I'm so excited to visit the coast & see Savannah! She is going to be a beautiful bride <3
In August we're doing a solo trip to Zions National Park ( - where we went on our honeymoon ;) ) just before school starts.

We're also planning on doing a lot of hiking, building up to us hiking to the top of Mt. Timpanogos in August! I'm really excited for that :)

What about you, do you have any fun summer plans??