Friday, May 30, 2014

Done and Not Done - A Graduation Tale

Earlier this month I finished my Associates Degree finally and graduated!! (If you couldn't guess, this is the DONE!! part! Yay!) Andrew and I both did really well that semester!! I got another 4.0, and Andrew had all A's (2 were A-)! I'm super proud of him!! :-)

My Mom, Step-Dad, Grandma, and 5 of my 11 Siblings

It was so nice to be done and celebrate my accomplishments with my family. I especially appreciated all of the efforts they all made to be there! My mom had to get up super early to make it, since my graduation started at 8 AM.
My Two Beautiful Moms :)

After the graduation ceremony, we went over to my Mother-in-Law's house for lunch. She made her amazing chicken salad sandwiches and her coworker made some amazing brownies for me!

My Mom & Step-Dad Jason

 It was a wonderful accomplishment for me to finish my Associates Degree, especially since originally I was planning on being done with my Associates Degree...

Me & My "Snuggly Haired Grandma"
That was what I called her all my childhood
Three Generations :-)
This is where the "Not Done" comes in.

Andrew and I talked about it, and I'm going to be getting my Bachelor's Degree. I knew this already when graduating with my Associates Degree, but I felt like I should walk anyway and prove to myself that those semesters of working my tush off actually was going toward something. It was worth it, if only to celebrate with my family.
My Super Awesome Little Sister!!

I'm going to be getting my Bachelor's in Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Family Studies. When I get my Bachelor's Degree, I'll have pretty much everything done to become a Certified Family Life Educator. There are just a lot of classes for that degree that I want to take before I finish and we start Foster Care and everything.

In other exciting news, this super awesome little sister of mine is going to be moving in with us for a while! (A while means however long until she gets to go to the MTC after she gets her papers in & everything). This is so she can get a job up here and save up for a mission. It's going to be pretty awesome!

We had one week off from school after my graduation, then we started Summer Semester. Andrew will be struggling through Calc 2 after 8 years of no math. He's a little panicked over it, but we both believe that he can pass.

I'm a little burnt out after last semester, but I'm still going to do my best this semester and that's all anyone can really ask of me! (Is  it considered my best if I'm currently procrastinating doing some homework to write this post? Hmm...)

Hope all is well with you!

With Love,
The Christiansens