Monday, April 23, 2012


We pulled out some frosting from the fridge to make sure it was still okay the other day...

Andrew lifted the container up to his face and then sniffed it intently. "It still smells like frosting."
He then reached in and scooped out some and licked it off of his finger. "It still tastes like frosting."
Peering in to the container with a mock expression of dubiousness, he added, "It still LOOKS like frosting..."

Andrew turned to me. "Wait. I'm missing a couple of senses."

"Touch and sound," I prompted.

"Oh. Right. Well, it still felt like frosting..." A strange look crossed his face, and he lifted the container to his ear. His eyes suddenly got very wide. "Oh no!! It doesn't sound like frosting! It must have gone bad!!"

Friday, April 20, 2012

Morgue Tickle Fights

Sometimes (okay. I'll admit it. A lot of the time) Andrew and I say and do some pretty ridiculous things. Like this time back in February, for instance...

After a small poking fight, I jokingly said, "I'm dead..." and flopped backwards onto the bed in a melodramatic imitation of dying.

Andrew, seeing a loophole in my ruse, jested, "Oh, really? But dead people aren't ticklish!" and he promptly began tickling me.

I squirmed around and, rather than conceding that he had a point, decided to challenge him. My comeback was flawless. "How do you know that? Have you ever gotten into a tickle fight at the Morgue?!?"

Thursday, April 19, 2012


While making dinner, I realized that I needed some cheese grated, so to make it so I wouldn't have to stop what I was doing, I asked Andrew for some help.

"Andrew, would you please grate some cheese for me?"

"Sure!" Andrew replied enthusiastically. He walked up to the fridge and pulled out a block of cheese and then looked at it very seriously. Without missing a beat, he told the cheese, "Cheese, you are awesome! You're so great! Nothing else can do what you do!"

He then turned to me with an impish smile. "There! Cheese great-ed!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Another Blog? Really??

I've decided to start another blog.

Really? Because your other several aren't enough?

Apparently not. Because then my brain was like, "Oooh, that could be a great blog idea!!"
And I was like, "But that falls into a new category in and of itself..."
And my brain was like, "Well then. You could make a new blog..."
So I was like, "Fine."

And here I am.

What is this blog?

I always have the funniest conversations with my husband, and sometimes we say and do the most ridiculous things :) It makes life so fantastic!! Whenever I share them on Facebook, they tend to be my most popular status updates, because they're just so funny.

So I thought I would share them with you here :)

I hope you get as much of a kick out of them as I do.