Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Missed Me!

You know those ridiculous fights that come out of nowhere?
This was one of those.
I don't know who made the first attack, but suddenly jellybeans were flying back and forth.

Actually, it was probably me that threw them first.
But that's besides the point.
The point was that Andrew had missed me entirely in his attempt at throwing them back at me again.

Deciding to take an extremely childish approach to celebrating my victory, I began to tease him with a very childish rhyme in a sing-song voice.

"Missed me, missed me, now you've got to kiss me!!"

Andrew didn't seem to find this very dissuading. In fact, it didn't take me very long at all before I noticed the rapid deterioration of his aiming abilities. He seemed exultant of his sudden inability to hit me with the jellybeans. I was taking great care to strike him with perfect aim with my jellybeans, though. It was far too satisfying to see the jellybean ricochet off of him.

I couldn't help but be amused when he hit me without meaning to now. "Ha! Missed you!" he'd cry, grinning, only to realize that he had actually hit me squarely in the forehead.

The novelty wore off fairly quickly, though, and now he tries pulling it off in other ways...

"I missed you at work today. Does that mean I have to kiss you?" he'll tease me as he gets in the car from picking him up.

That I have no problem with :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Baby Cramps

Andrew and I went camping over the weekend just before school started with my sister-in-law Monica. The campground we went to was GORGEOUS, and we made a point of going hiking while we were up there. I was enjoying the hike immensely, and had brought a box of Cheez-It Party mix to take on the hike with us. This worked well until I started getting side cramps from eating while hiking...

Me: "Ugh, I think I'm getting a side cramp. That's okay, though, because it's only a baby side cramp right now."

Andrew: "Are you sure it isn't just a baby? ;) "

I had no response, other than to punch Andrew semi-lightly in the stomach. Except I may have not done it all that lightly. Just not so hard that it would actually hurt him.

Andrew to Monica: "Did you see that?!? She PUNCHED me!!"

Monica: "Yeah, well, you deserved it."

Glad I wasn't the only one that thought so! ;)
Seriously. Andrew and his baby jokes sometimes... haha!