Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Family Update & Blessings

Like all things, we have gotten both wonderful blessings and a few disappointments since my last post. However, I really am so very richly blessed; while I won't leave out the disappointments, I would like to put in at least two blessings per disappointment. I want this post to highlight the positive note that my life really is on right now; after all, no matter what bad comes to us, we are richly blessed, and Heavenly Father deserves to be given credit for all of the wonder and joy that comes to us.

On Wednesday of last week, my wedding ring went missing. I may not ever see it again, since I believe it was lost on UVU campus outside in the snow. Although this was disappointing to me, and I love that ring, I'm glad that that wasn't why I married my sweet husband. Rings will come and go, but I very very highly doubt I could have found a better man for me than my husband. He is one in a trillion, and I feel so proud to be the woman he chose to be at his side. My life would be completely incomplete without him, and I couldn't bear it if I lost him. In comparison, losing my wedding ring is completely insignificant.

On a high note, I made it into the UVU Ballroom Company, and I am SUPER excited!!! My team will be performing the Mambo and (most likely) the Tango. Our performances will be April 18-20th, so save the date! I can't wait to do my best performing ballroom on the stage. My dance partner is named Travis, and I still have a long way to go in getting to know the rest of the team, but I am enjoying it a lot so far, and am determined to do my best and enjoy being part of the team. (Unfortunately, my husband and I are not on team together since he didn't have room/time to do that this semester. I would have loved to be performing with him, but maybe later.)

I am officially a sophomore! After taking over a year off from school, having to retake classes to get my GPA up to qualify for financial aid after a first semester that pretty much blew up in my face, I'm back in the swing of things and I even got my first 4.0! And then my second 4.0! I even chose what I am going to be doing for a Bachelor's Degree after I finish my associates! I'm really excited to be back in school and doing well.
Andrew is also doing really well in school, and is officially a Senior! If he plays his cards right, he could graduate at the end of Spring semester in 2014! I'm so proud of him and all of the hard work that he is putting into his schooling. He might end up taking one class in Fall semester of 2014 just to ease his workload, especially since the class he might take on its own is said to be the hardest class offered at UVU, but by the end of 2014, my wonderful husband will be a graduate!
(Sorry for throwing all of the exclamation marks in your faces; I don't know how else to truly portray my enthusiasm and excitement for all of that good news.)

Life is wonderful, and I am looking forward to the joys and blessings that will continue to come to Andrew and I as we move forward together, especially as we continue to seek God's will for our family.

Love and joy to you all!

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